Practise group Amsterdam
- Tuesday evenings from 19.15-22.00 hours (usually the first Tuesday of the month)
- at Leger des Heils, Derde Oosterparkstraat 334, 1092 SC Amsterdam
- dates 2023:
January 10 - February 7 - March 7 - April 4 - May 9 - June 6 - July 4 - September 5 - October 3 - November 7 - December 12
- to sign up please contact
Carla Houben
mail: carla.houben (a)
n.b. replace (a) by @
- voluntary contributions (an indication is € 10 for each evening) can be made out to:
Carla Houben in Amsterdam (board member of St. Herstelcirkels Nederland), bank account NL97 TRIO 0784 8084 14, specifying: ‘contribution oefengroep Amsterdam + your name'